side order vegetarian – day 3, part 1


Yesterday I attended a work seminar at  a hotel which provided a plated lunch.  There are a lot of meeting and event planners in this group so the hotels tend to serve more elaborate meals for lunch in an attempt to drum up business. You can specify ahead of time if you have any dietary restrictions. I’ve been to other events with this same group and while I was served plates of pork shoulder and filet mignon I noted what the vegetarians with the little pink cards got – portabella quesadillas, pasta primovera, etc. Nothing that was over-the-top but at least took some thought and innovation. When I submitted my registration form I checked the vegetarian box, a little excited about what my custom plate might be.

After the morning presentations it came time for the meal and everyone else at my table was served some kind of fish with an orange, creamy sauce and sides of mashed potatoes and broccoli.  My plate was set in front of me and I burst out laughing. Here’s why:


Rather than prepare a vegetarian meal, the ‘chef’ decided that the absence of meat meant just that. I found the lack of thought behind this pretty hilarious.

To be continued…

To read more about my Vegetarian Lent Challenge, click here.

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